Roberta Staley is an author, documentary filmmaker, magazine writer and editor and college instructor. She edited the national publications Enterprise and the Canadian Chemical News, and freelances for such magazine clients as BBC Wildlife, UBC Magazine, Modern Farmer, Ms, Corporate Knights, Broadview, Montecristo, ELLE Canada, The Georgia Straight, and The South China Morning Post, among others.
Roberta has worked in Afghanistan, Kenya, Papua New Guinea, South Africa, Cambodia, El Salvador, Colombia, Haiti, New Zealand and Israel, covering such topics as wildlife conservation, female genital mutilation, HIV-AIDS, climate change, the environment, gender rights, science, medicine and culture.
Roberta has filmed three documentaries: Elephant Warriors (2024/Kenya) as well as the award-winning Angels on Call (2022/Vancouver) and Mightier Than the Sword (2017/Afghanistan). The latter led to the creation of an award-winning biography, published in 2019 by Greystone Books, titled Voice of Rebellion – How Mozhdah Jamalzadah Brought Hope to Afghanistan.
Roberta is working on another book, Bone Through Skin, a Second World War novel about the experiences of her great aunt and uncle, Sally and Gordon Castle of Vancouver, who survived internment in Hong Kong’s notorious Stanley prisoner of war camp.
Roberta teaches magazine writing at the post-secondary level and provides private tutoring in English to high school and university students.